Friday, January 30, 2015

Insanity Max30: Day 11

Today is one of those days that I'm so glad I push myself to get up early and get that work out in.  I complete Day 11, Tabata Power this morning and my max out time was only 2 or 3 seconds longer then last week.  This is one tough work out for me, those push ups are a killer!

So after I finish my work out I head upstairs to get Brooklynn, who is always so happy in the morning so we can eat breakfast and get ready for Stroller Strides.  Instead I walk through the door to find my poor baby in a crib full of throw up completely miserable.  My heart just broke in two.  Finally after two baths later I got her smelling nice and fresh.  I got her crib completely stripped and everything throw into the washer so we could lay around downstairs.

Brooklynn did good, I gave her some water, a plain waffle, and some banana hoping that would settle her tummy.  She seemed great, she was up and down - laying around for a little then getting a little spurt of energy.  This picture above was right before she decided to start climbing all over Missy and then throw up all over her as well.  So I throw Missy outside and get Brooklynn upstairs and stripped down for our 3rd bath of the day and mind you it's not even 10am yet.  I decided to set her crib back up and lay her down so she would actually lay and rest.  After that I headed downstairs to switch out the laundry to realize that I accidentally washed a diaper - could this day get any worse?  After dealing with that situation I finally get to sit myself down for about an hour before B gets back up.

So I am writing this now after finally laying her down in her crib, hoping and praying that we are done with all the throw up and that tomorrow she will finally be able to keep some liquid and food down.  It was such a rough day and like I said earlier a perk of getting up early to get my work out in means that now at 8:00 PM I can snuggle down into bed with my book and fall asleep. :)

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