Saturday, October 25, 2014

On the road!

My husband started his new job this week and just like we anticipated they sent him out of town.  We got through the week and then yesterday Brooklynn, Memphis, and I hit the road to go spend the weekend with him. We started the trip off with some lunch and Memphis got the best treat of all - a HUMONGOUS dog bone!

Then the wonderful traffic started......

Brooklynn enjoyed reading her new book from Grammy along the drive too. Even though most of the time she seemed to be reading it upside down. haha

We still made it before he got off work and Brooklynn was able to take a short nap in the car and even a nap in the hotel before we went out for the night! We headed down to Main St. and went to Dargan's Irish Pub and Restaurant for dinner. We enjoyed a great Steak sandwich and Brooklynn scarfed down her Mac and Cheese. :) Of course after dinner we had to make a stop at Ben & Jerrys, surprisingly neither one of us had ever been to one before.

Brooklynn quite enjoyed herself and the ice cream.  She got to stay up WAY past her bedtime and even got to drink her bottle on the bed!

She slept surprisingly well through out the whole night, I on the other hand, DID NOT! Oh well, as long as she is happy then I am normally happy. And no, she did not sleep in the bed with us, she slept in her pack and play which is why I was surprised she slept through the night. Once we were both up and dressed and Daddy was long gone at work with took a stroll to the continental breakfast and enjoyed some waffles together. :)


After breakfast and nap time I decided that it was time we went exploring. I wanted to go to the beach so Memphis could run around and get some energy out but of course the beach I picked was closed. :( That turned out good for us though because we ended up at the harbor and got to see a dog halloween costume which of course Brooklynn loved because she is OBSESSED with dogs right now. These guys were the winners of the event.

We walked around and took lots of pictures!

We then found out that there was a show going on at the main lawn so we headed over that way! Turns out today is Thrill The World. What is that you might ask? ( I had no clue either) It is an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's Thriller.  Every year they try to break the world record.  If you want more information on it check out the site here.  You can check to see if there is one set up in your area and if there isn't then you can set one up yourself!

Brooklynn and I both enjoyed watching this, it was pretty cool to see everyone volunteer, dress up, and dance. Brooklynn even joined in and did some dancing herself!

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