Every other Friday Brooklynn and I venture off to M.O.P.S.
Before M.O.P.S. we had to head into the office to do some paperwork. Brooklynn loves to go into the office, mainly because she gets a kick out of sitting in the big girl chair that spins! haha
After I was done doing paperwork we headed out to Friends Church on Rose for M.O.P.S. Some of you might be wondering what that is. M.O.P.S. stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and it is an awesome group. Every other Friday we get to head over to the church and Brooklynn goes to Moppettes where she gets to play with other kids and I get to go to M.O.P.S. where I get to play with other Moms. haha Anyway, the Moms get to enjoy a few uninterrupted hours with other moms, sometimes we just get to sit back and talk, sometimes we have speakers, and sometimes we have crafts. I love my M.O.P.S. group, it has been a great way to talk to other moms that are going through the same thing as you or the mentor moms who can give you an insight of something they may have went through.
Brooklynn and I always enjoy doing a little photo shoot before.
Here are the wonderful women in my group. :)
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