Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Toddler Teething Nightmares

We had a rough day yesterday, I'm sure plenty of you know what I am talking about!

Yesterday was one of those days.  Brooklynn did not nap all day long.   She could barely breath out of her nose due to teething.  With her using a binky to nap you can see how naps did not work out for us yesterday.  So needless to say come 5pm Mommy was at her wits end with her and the day. haha

Do you guys happen to have any teething remedies that work well for you?? Nothing seemed to be working for us yesterday, she was just miserable.  Chewing on everything, drooling all over herself and me - both of our shirts were drenched.

This poor girl, we just couldn't seem to get anything to help her push through it.   Here is some remedies that I found that we tried but like I said today just wasn't our day for them.

Now I would really love it if some of you would comment with techniques that you have found to work for you.  You can never have to many things to try.

Unfortunately for me, teething lasted through out most of the night.  It was a combination of the teeth and the nose being clogged up from the teeth trying to push through.  She just couldn't get comfortable so lucky me was up almost every other hour comforting her to help her fall back asleep.  Lets hope that tonight we have some better luck and this Mama will be able to get some rest!

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