Thursday, November 13, 2014

WOWZERS! It's been over a week since I've posted in here. I know, I know I said I was going to post every day but you know what happened - life happened.

It's been over a month since Daddy started his new job and he is out of town more then he is in town, which we knew was going to happen.  It's just a lot harder then I anticipated.  It's a lot easier when it's just the dogs and me missing him but throw a 14 month old girl who is obsessed with her Daddy into that mix and it becomes a whole new ball game.  So if any of you out there have any advice for dealing with this PLEASE throw some my way.  Brooklynn goes back and forth between missing him so much that she cries or throws a little hissy fit to being so mad at him that she won't even look at him and it just breaks my heart (and his too). Sunday we get a whole day of him just to ourselves and we are very much looking forward to it!

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