Sunday, November 2, 2014

Spookfest 2014 and our version of Sunday Funday

How did Daylights savings go for everyone? We got lucky and since we had a Halloween party to go to last night Brooklynn got to have a sleep over with Grammy and Grandpa so I didn't have to deal with her getting up at an ungodly hour. :) I was told by my mom though that she happily slept in till 7:45

Last night was the annual Spookfest Halloween party that our awesome friends throw every year.  Sadly I did not get in as many pictures as I normally do. :( My husband and I dressed up as Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.

We enjoyed a nice kid free evening, hanging out with friends and drinking.

Some of the girls from the evening.  We need to get together more often we all decided but I'm pretty sure we say that every year and life just always seems to get in the way.

A fun night was had by all but this couple was home and in bed by 11:30. haha Talk about getting old, even though we don't feel or act old, I think it's just the lack of sleep that gets to both of us.  It was very enjoyable to sleep in the next morning even though we both woke up around 5:30 AM but the fact that we could lay in bed and not get up was quite nice.

Our Sunday Funday started with Breakfast at Alta Vista with Brooklynn and Grammy.  Brooklynn enjoyed herself with half a waffle and eggs.  She's such a little piggy.

After breakfast we like to take Brooklynn outside to walk and play around.  She really enjoyed running around the fire pit on the patio, I can only imagine how excited she would be if there was actually a fire in it.

Today we happened to wander over to the grass area where we got married.  We attempted to reenact a little family photo but Brooklynn just wasn't having it.

She wanted to run around and play. As soon as either one of us tried to pick her up to lead her back to the truck she screamed her head off, all the way to the truck.........


Finally we got her home and down for nap! Now Mommy and Daddy can enjoy some quiet time with football and some beer. Hopefully we won't fall asleep ourselves. haha :)

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